
Coaching is available for all children on Monday evenings from 4.30 pm.  Each session runs for one hour and children are required to reserve and pay for their place in advance.  There is additional coaching on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

On Sundays, Emlyn Williams provides “Performance Squads” hourly sessions from 10 am to 5pm for those children wanting to progress more speedily. The club pays special attention to coaching juniors and provides them with many opportunities to play tennis regularly and competitively.

Child Protection

Haverfordwest LTC and the LTA are committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults deemed at risk. We have adopted a three tiered approach which is illustrated by a traffic-light system. The information in our policies and training provides details about what to do in a variety of situations, in line with the three tiers:

  1. Early intervention – taking steps to raise awareness of best practice as well as potential issues and taking appropriate steps to minimise risks;
  2. Prevention – taking steps when an identified issue places someone at risk or may place someone at risk of harm. The LTA Safeguarding Team can offer support, information and advice to you and tennis venues to help manage and learn from these situations; and
  3. Protection – taking steps when someone is identified as being at risk of harm or where abuse has occurred. Always dial 999 in an emergency.

Promoting safety and well-being in tennis venues is everyone’s responsibility. This ensures all community members have an enjoyable tennis experience, helping to attract and retain people to the sport. This approach also ensures compliance with legislation which guarantees and protects the rights of children, young people and adults who are deemed as being at risk. The LTA Safeguarding Team supports tennis venues to promote safety and well-being by sharing policies, procedures, guidance, best practice and identifying situations which require additional support.

Safety issues or challenges which may harm someone or people associated with a tennis venue. This requires immediate intervention to resolve the issue and prevent the issue from escalating. The LTA Safeguarding Team is available to offer information, advice, guidance and support to ensure all tennis venues resolve issues effectively and can continue on their journey of promoting safety and well-being for all members.

Serious protection issues which require the help from the LTA Safeguarding Team – in some cases they may involve Local Authority Social Care services or the Police. The Team will carry out a range of duties within current polices, guidance and legislation to safeguard the well-being of individuals concerned.